Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

To Stop The Train, In Cases of Emergency...

Dear Life,

You have certainly outdone yourself this time. I am so very blessed. I have been working with an oustanding educator, and the children are certainly entertaining. I almost forgot how much I loved working with elementary students. They are awesome. I've mostly been working with the kindergarten and second graders so far. But let me tell you, they are a handful. Reading a book? Psh, piece of cake. Hahahaha, oh how silly I was. You'd think that this part of the lesson plan would be the easiest. Not for this girl. I have more management issues during this part of the lesson than when we play loud and crazy running games! Who would've thought? I am getting better though. Children just say the strangest things. The other day I was showing the kindergarteners my horn, and telling them how I've been playing for a long time. They tried to guess how long, and one student said "I bet for 33 years!! Because you are old!". I about died of laughter. It was so funny. I always felt old, since I am almost an old maid these days at the age of 22, but I had no idea they thought I was in my 30s. Oh mercy.

But anyway, I'm just saying thanks for being so classy. I have great friends, and so far am having a blast student teaching. Plus I have a pretty legit boyfriend too. So I can honestly say that I am beyond happy right now. The only blight on my joy is the fact that I am still job searching. But that's a story for another day. Right now I am content and enjoying every minute of my crazy days.

your partner in crime :)

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