Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

We Go Together, Like a Wink and a Smile

Dear Day Celebrating Being in a Relationship with the Same Person for One Year and Six Months,

Hello!! I know, crazy isn't it. It is hard to imagine that it has been a year and a half since Benny and I have been facebook official. Because really, it isn't official until it is on facebook, everybody knows this.

It has certainly been an entertaining 18 months. There was that time I gave up gluten for lent. Ugh, now that was beyond awful. And at the same time Ben gave up puns for let. Now that was beyond wonderful. Or the time my family came up for Easter Break and we spent most of the day hiding and looking for Easter eggs. :) The epic marathons of Law and Order, or when we successfully watched seasons 1,3,4, and 5 of House during J-term. I must also point out the many many many Sundays spent doing homework while watching football, I must say only a saint would watch the Broncos play for more than one game. Oh the things we do for love. But I suffer through. :P Partially because Benjamin is quite the catch and puts up with all my silly shenanigans, but mostly because he is adorable and I love him. He is also a music major. We are quite the pair, if I do say so myself.

Currently I am sitting in my room being on duty. While my significant other is sitting in his room being on duty. I won't even mention the fact that a certain someone forgot that today was a semi-important day. I suppose I cannot be too angry, since it isn't like it is our one year anniversary, or our two year anniversary. So I shall cut him some slack. Yeah, good thing I'm such a legit girlfriend. :P So it looks like tonight will be just the two of us, along with Beethoven and his spectacular symphonies to keep us company. That's probably a good thing. Who needs a silly boy anyway?

a very happy kymbre :)

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