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Monday, April 18, 2011

But Why Is All the Rum Gone??

Dear Livetext,

I dislike you with a passion. Times 892842 million. Words cannot even begin to describe the depth of my hatred. So I am not even going to try. It is enough to say that I have spent the past 5 days going completely loco trying to put my Impact On Student Learning Project into my silly portfolio. And you are being very uncooperative. I was hoping we could be friends, but noo!! You have to go and prove me wrong. So I'm leaving you with a warning. IT IS ON!! You will not defeat me. I shall be the victor in this battle of minds. Because after the past three years of getting beaten and bruised, I refuse to let you have the final win. I'm too stubborn to let that happen. So as this is the final project to be put into my portfolio I am going to go out guns blazing! You just try to stop me.

Yours not so truely,
a fearless opponent

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