Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Dear Storms,

While the smell of rain is the most beautiful scent in the entire universe, I have to admit this is a bit extreme. Tornados, 80 MPH gusts of wind, lightning, thunder...it is ridiculous. I just wish it would be sunny! My body does not know what is going on. I wake up at 8, and it feels like it is the middle of the night because it is so dark and cloudy. Not to mention what this does to my moods. Poor Geo, stuck in a house with all girls while all it does is rain. So I'm really asking you for his sake. GO AWAY!!  I'd like a little sun, and how is the pool supposed to be open anyway? You are cheating millons of little children out of their summer! Now is the time for popsicles, life jackets, and way too much sunscreen. And don't even get me started on grilling hot dogs and burgers. Although I probably shouldn't complain too much, since we both know how much I hate the heat. So for now I'll keep my grumbling to a minimum and settle for the occasional sun peeking through the clouds. If you can manage it. :)


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