Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Dear Life,

It has recently come to my attention that today is my birthday. Well, that is false, not the fact that it is my birthday, but the fact that I just realized it. I noticed about two weeks ago how rapidly June was approaching. Nevertheless, it is now June 6th, D-day. I have successfully survived 23 years of life on earth. I've done high school, attacked college, and now I can safely say that I am ready to enter the world as a big girl. Wow, kinda scary. Currently I live at home with my parents, and before you say how lame that is (because let's be honest that is soo LAME) I would like to point out that in 9 days I will be moving out into my own apartment. Shortly thereafter I will start my job. Which I am completely excited for. But look at me, I'm rambling. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. So that you know I'm on my way, and that you better look out. :)


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