Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Four Years Later

Dear Hastings College,

Hello! It's me. Just wanted to say that after a crazy, awesome, sometimes frustrating four year relationship I'm sorry it has to end this way. A letter. Well, at least it is better than a text. Or a voicemail even. That's what I tell myself to make me feel better. But on the other hand, this is on the internet where the entire world can see it if they so choose (though who knows why anyone would be reading my blog anyway), so maybe a text would be more humane. Anway...

While we will no longer be together, I would like to point out that these past four years have been the best of my life. I walk away from all this wearing a snazzy cap and gown, with a fancy little medal from being an awesome music major and some chords from being awesome swinging around my neck, diploma in hand. It is not without joy and sadness that I look back at all our times together. I made some great friends, and have some exceptionally great memories. There are way too many to even try to mention, so I'll just say a few. Crazy music majors, all day marching band fiascos where the best part of the game was the halftime show (of course), great concerts/recitals, late night Amigos runs, falling in love, freaky fast JJ deliveries, printers that NEVER EVER work, Law and Order Marathons, never sitting with less than 12 people at lunch/supper, discovering how awesome librarians are, watching all 7 seasons of House, three years of being an RA in an all girls dorm (enough said),  and the fact that my team is probably the best team ever!! I've met so many great people, and my only regret is that I cannot stay even longer to get to know all my new friends better.

The great thing about life is that it changes, so even though we are breaking up Hastings College, this is not the end. I shall be stalking you, and all my friends, on a regular basis (at least until school starts up again). Then I will be busy oiling valves, picking gum out of clarinets, and pretending to fix flutes when in all reality I have no idea what to do with those crazy instruments. So I'm going to cry these next few days, because I am going to miss you. I'm going to miss the comfort of being safe. At HC I knew what/who I was. I had friends and I was able to do what I loved to do 24/7. I will miss the safety of the professors. I could always count on them to help with whatever I needed. Their guidance, patience, and joy of teaching all us crazy music majors has shaped me into the wonderful teacher I just know has been waiting to emerge.  Over the past four years we have fallen in love, you and I, and it is breaking my heart to have to leave. But I know it is for the best (plus with the cost of tuition I'd have to change my major so I could get a job that would actually pay the bills)!!

"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime...when you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person"

You , good old HC, have come into my life for a lifetime. It has been an outstanding four years, and I know that I will  continue to be on the fringes of HC for many years to come. The great thing about leaving, is that there are plenty more HC alums out there. I've already met three in my new home, which doesn't sound too impressive, but I was still excited. :) When something this good happens to you, I've learned that it is best to soak it all up and enjoy the ride. So while my ride is technically over, the friends who have become family will stay with me the rest of my life.

So I bid you adieu Hastings College. I will never forget you, and am beyond excited to start my new life in the real world. I hope you remember me, and contine to inspire students for many many many many more years.

all my love,
Kymbre Paige Lytle
Hastings College Graduate 2011 :)

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