Welcome to my blissfully happy world
comprised of music, books,
black and white movies, lots and lots of gluten, chocolate, family, love,
and fun-filled shenanigans!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Dear Job Market,

Thank you for being not too shabby for a music educator. I have to admit, I have been terrified concerning the job hunting process. Needless to say Career Services has saved my life. So far I have a respectable resume and some classy references. That was the easy part. The tough part is finding someone who will hire me. Oh boy. I was worried that there wouldn't be very many openings, however I have been searching and there is no shortage of music jobs available. There are quite a few full time jobs opened up already, and even more part time jobs. So that made me feel a bit more at ease. Until recently...

After a month of searching, finding, applying, writing, and mailing out my credentials, the first rejection letter came today. I am not going to say I wasn't disappointed. My heart dropped and I had to remind myself to keep breathing, after all there are five more potential winners out there. So for now I shall wait, and keep my eye on future jobs. Right now it seems that everyone in senior sem has a job already, I know that isn't true. So I shall be patient and wait for the right job to come along, I just wish it would hurry up already!

Yours truely,
a hopeful job seeker

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March Madness

Dear Month from Hell,

Are you trying to kill me??

While I am not an avid sports fan, I've always enjoyed March Madness. I'm a sucker for the underdog. While the tournament this year has been entertaining for me, the rest of my life can quite aptly be called March Madness as well. In the first two weeks we have had three concerts. One for each of the high school bands, and one for the 6-8th grade bands. I conducted at the Symphonic Band Concert (and of course the kids rocked it!!), and also one song for the 8th graders (yet again, they played splendidly). After all these crazy events you would think we'd have time to breathe, WRONG!

Next came our middle school festival. Let me tell you, this has been the most helpful part of student teaching so far. I've made so many copies, organized solo books, numbered each measure of jazz scores/band scores, and listened to the same six solos/duets so many times I can play them by heart. I feel like I've been sucked up by a hurricane or tornado or some sort of swirling crazy storm. I can only hope that I survive when everything is said and done. I forgot to mention the best part, traveling two hours on a bus filled with thirty-four seventh and eighth graders. I am ready for anything now.

So March Madness hit suddenly and left just as quickly. It is now my last week at the high school and middle school and I am quite sad to be leaving. My cooperating teachers were awesome, and I am going to miss their guidance. Plus they are great people to be around, so that made "learning" much more fun. I cannot believe how quickly these first 8 weeks have flown by.

But I'm a fighter, and I survived with flying colors. Just like VCU seeded #11, I fought my way through all the madness. VCU is headed to the Elite Eight and I am headed to face the world of elementary music. Looks like April should be an exciting adventure as well.

me :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wait, It Is Already March??

Dear Nerves,

Please behave tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thursday. Just like every other Thursday, minus the fact that this particular Thursday happens to be March 10. No big deal. You can do this. I did not think I would be this nervous. There really is no reason to be so terrified. The kids play great, they don't even need me. But in approximately 20 hours I shall conduct my first song. IN PUBLIC!! Yikes. The silly thing is that I have no reason to be nervous. So if we could all just get along for the next day that would be great. You could even take a vacation if you wanted. Yeah, a nice vacation. That sounds like a win...

your less nervous friend

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Band Nerd

Dear Band,

Oh how I've missed you!! I have been such a horrible friend these past few months. Here it is, the first weekend in March and we've barely spoken to each other since last semester. Not cool. I will take the blame for this one. Student teaching has driven us apart, but this past weekend has renewed our friendship.

Sometimes I don't think people realize just how important music can be. Yesterday the Hastings College Wind Ensemble played at NSBA. I don't mean to brag or anything, but we are great. It is always so much fun to be able to play with other musicicans and perform at such a high level of excellence. It is even more amazing for me to be involved since I've been at HC for four years now. It is amazing to see how the band has grown. My only regret has been that we haven't spent as much time together so far this semester. Hopefully we will find more time for each other. I know that I will try my best.

With much love,
me :)